A lot of people have trouble falling asleep or going to sleep once they hit the pillow. There are of course those people who just lay down and are quickly asleep. It’s very important that you get good night’s sleep for your health, well-being and especially for those people who exercise on a regular basis. Your body needs time to rest and recover from the day!
What are the reasons that people may have trouble falling asleep? Some of the common reasons are that you are under a lot of stress at home or at work. You have a lot of things to think about for the next day or you are just not tired!
To be able to fall asleep quickly, you need to clear your mind of all these problems and worries, otherwise you may not fall asleep for hours or have a restless sleep or sleepless night!
My simple and effective technique for falling asleep quickly:
The key to falling asleep quickly is that you must clear your mind of everything. Basically, you must prepare yourself to just sleep.
Lay down in your bed in a comfortable position. I always lay flat on my back with my head rested on a pillow in a comfortable position.
Now breathe in slowly through your nose and breathe out through your nose. By doing this, you relax your body and your mind by replenishing it with oxygen and this helps you to focus on breathing and thus clear your mind.
If you focus only on the breathing and stay relaxed, you will fall asleep.
This is my meditation technique towards falling asleep quickly and it’s 99.9% effective. I tell myself sometimes that I will count the number of breaths that I have to take before I will fall asleep, but I never can because I end up falling asleep. It’s probably in the neighborhood of 3 to 5 long breaths.
On the other hand, if your bed is uncomfortable, you may consider purchasing a new quality mattress or good pillows such as those Obus Form pillows. I find them to be amazing, although they may take a day or two to get used to.
In summary, I find this the most reliable, healthy and effective way to fall asleep naturally. Getting the right amount of sleep is critical to your health and well-being. It can be very frustrating and annoying if you cannot fall asleep. You may also want to consider taking Yoga classes. It also has many health and exercise benefits for both body and mind.
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